نوشته شده توسط : jiajiasnow

Microsoft makes Reading Notice a priority within the Chromium-based Microsoft Edge, so the company keeps rolling out further refinements every once in a while.

Furthermore, Google itself is also focusing on its own set of updates for the same Reading View feature, most likely as a result of Microsoft joining the Chromium project and providing the necessary resources for making this happen considerably faster.

Meanwhile, Microsoft keeps focusing on improving its own Reading View, and also the latest build of Microsoft Edge Canary integrates new options to allow the reading experience better adjust to each user.

In other words, the software giant has implemented more customization options that users can check out by simply enabling a flag in the browser.

Reading View is a feature that permits you to read articles or documents online by reduction of distractions, for example content that isn't necessarily relevant for that reading experience. This really is most helpful on news sites where the focus is around the text itself.

And beginning with this update, you can customize the Reading View experience even more by changing some basic settings the way you like.

The first thing you should do is update towards the latest Canary build of Microsoft Edge, because otherwise, the new flag might not be there. The flag will come in build, so make sure you are running a minimum of this version.

Next, launch the browser and kind the next code in the address bar:


You need to now see the advanced flags configuration screen, and we'll begin by enabling Reading View. If you've previously enabled this selection, you can scroll down to the steps to enable the brand new settings.

To turn on Reading View, search for the following flag:

Microsoft Edge Reading View

And then click on the drop-down menu next to it and switch it from default to enabled. A reboot from the browser is going to be needed to save your settings.

If you wish to activate the new settings, look for the next flag:

Microsoft Edge Reading View Text Preference

The flag description explains its purpose:

"Enable text preferences in reading view that allows you to customize font sizes and background themes -- Windows and Mac - Mac, Windows"

Once more, click the drop-down menu and let the flag. A reboot of the browser is needed too to accomplish your configuration.

Next, you can load any article that you would like to read with Reading View to test the new settings. After enabling Reading View, there must be a "Text preference" button right in the toolbar.

Clicking it allows you to configure the text size and the background color, with the latter coming in four different pre-defined configurations.

At this time, this is just a fundamental implementation, so the font size adjustment tool, for instance, is certainly not more than a slider which you'll action to take the font bigger or smaller. There aren't any indicators how to use it, so simply click all things in that window to figure out the objective of each button.

Remember that this feature is just obtainable in the Canary version of Microsoft Edge, so it's not really a problem that some options seem to be missing for now. Most likely, Microsoft continues to refine the knowledge with Reading View in the coming updates, so eventually more options should be offered.

There's no release target for Microsoft Edge at this time, but it's apt to be finalized by the spring of 2020, a minimum of on Windows 10.

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تاریخ انتشار : دو شنبه 31 تير 1398 | نظرات ()
نوشته شده توسط : jiajiasnow

Microsoft has released a brand new build for Windows 10 insiders that allows them to check out the upcoming 19H2 update due in the fall.

As per Microsoft's new approach, Windows 10 19H1 builds are shipped included in cumulative updates via Windows Update, so today, Slow ring insiders are supplied with KB4508451.

This new cumulative update boosts the OS build number to 18362.10006, even though it doesn't include any changes, it will activate the features that were part of the previous release.

Gradual rollout of new features

Microsoft enables Windows 10 19H2 features in preview builds utilizing a gradual approach, so few are getting all the changes when a latest version rolls out. Instead, the organization says it's doing this at a slower pace to check reliability first, so if the testing goes as planned, more users would be receiving the new features.

"Today we have released 19H2 Build 18362.10006 for any subset of Windows Insiders that turns on the characteristics delivered included in Build 18362.10005 (noted in the below blog post) the 2009 week. Please be aware that Build 18362.10006 is just going out to a subset of Insiders within the Slow ring. That means not everybody in the Slow ring will get this update," Dona Sarkar, chief from the Windows Insider program, announced today.

The four features that this cumulative updates enables incorporate a change that allows third-party assistants to run above the lock screen and wait for voice input, in addition to a fix to permit OEMs reduce latency for inking on their own devices.

Windows containers require matched host and container version, while a separate new feature may prevent accidental recovery password disclosure during manual BitLocker drive unlocking.

Windows 10 19H2 is supposed to be finalized in September after which released to production devices a month later, according to Microsoft's typical release schedule.

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تاریخ انتشار : پنج شنبه 27 تير 1398 | نظرات ()
نوشته شده توسط : jiajiasnow

Bugs caused by Windows updates aren't really new things, there are plenty of users available who aren't necessarily excited with Patch Tuesday rollouts.

However, Microsoft seems to have reduced the probability of issues in the most recent updates for the supported Windows versions (Windows 7, Windows 8.1, and Windows 10), and also the July 2019 Patch Tuesday fixes caused only minor glitches which have already been acknowledged by the software giant.

But however, third-party updates may also cause problems on Windows devices, so when security software is involved, situations are far worse.

This is exactly what happened on July 10, a day after Microsoft shipped its July 2019 Patch Tuesday fixes, when McAfee released an update that eventually locked users out of their Windows devices.

The botched update, that was targeted at McAfee Endpoint Security (ENS) 10.2 or earlier, was designed to update the Exploit Prevention module to version 9418 on devices running this software. Worthwhile to learn is that ENS 10.2 is not supported since December 15, 2018, but it remains utilized on a lot of enterprise devices.

After installing this update, users could no more sign in for their devices, and lots of thought that to blame was a botched Windows update.

However, McAfee quickly acknowledged the problem, and explained within an advisory that users must manually correct the problem by removing a particular file from their devices.

The larger problem is the issue itself blocks users from logging in for their computers, so deleting the file isn't as simple as it appears at first glance.

The only method to go is to boot to Safe Mode. Instructions regarding how to do that change from one device to a different, and you're recommended to check on your manufacturer's website for additional info on this.

If disk encryption software is also running on your device, additional steps might be required, and again, you have to follow the steps supplied by the developer to successfully boot to Safe Mode.

When you manage to sign in to Safe Mode, what you need to do is delete the next file ¡§C note that the product you must remove depends upon your system's architecture, as follows:

64-bit - C:\Program Files\McAfee\Endpoint Security\Threat Prevention\IPS\HipHandlers64.dat
32-bit - C:\Program Files (x86)\McAfee\Endpoint Security\Threat Prevention\IPS\HipHandlers.dat

Next, you are able to reboot towards the desktop normally, so restart the machine and allow it to start normally. Next be able to log in successfully, albeit you should know that at this time, McAfee ENS is no longer running the latest version.

This isn't an issue, however, as McAfee has already released a more recent version of the Exploit Prevention module which you can update from inside the app. The correct version is 9419, also it should then bring all of the latest improvements without locking users from their devices.

A reboot from the device isn't required, albeit you can try one to make certain everything is working correctly.

There's two points that need to be highlighted relating to this issue.

To begin with, it's not related to Windows updates, so regardless of the Windows version that you run and also the installed patches, the problem is only brought on by the latest McAfee update. You shouldn't remove any Windows updates to correct the bug.

Second of all, ENS 10.2 is not supported, and you ought to update to security software that hasn't yet reached the end of life. McAfee too includes a alternative to ENS 10.2, and even though it's a costly move, it could help prevent similar issues from happening again in the future.

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تاریخ انتشار : دو شنبه 24 تير 1398 | نظرات ()
نوشته شده توسط : jiajiasnow

Believe it or not, Windows 10 doesn't have DVD playing capabilities built straight into it. That might seem reasonable as numerous computers now come with no kind of disc drive included in them, but when you've got a computer having a DVD drive or have picked up an external DVD drive, you'll be left unclear about how you can play DVDs in Windows 10.

There are a variety of solutions which will let you play DVDs in Windows 10, and we'll go over those we believe are the best solutions for their simplicity and convenience (and lack of added costs).

How to play DVDs on Windows 10 with pre-installed software

If you've obtained a computer having a DVD player built-in, chances are very good it came with its very own software for enjoying DVDs. Since Windows 8.1 and Windows 10 not have the support built in, computer makers that add DVD players are almost certain to add that support in themselves before shipping out the product.

So, this is what you should do:

The first step: Look for the built-in DVD player software.

Should you have your computers user manual, there might be instructions for playing DVDs inside it. You can also explore the manufacturer's web site to see which media/DVD playing software they installed.

Another possible way for locating the software would be to open the Windows search bar and kind in "movies" or "DVD" and find out what results appear. The pre-installed software is probably, though not guaranteed, to look.

You may even get the software to launch automatically just by putting a DVD to your computer's DVD drive.

Once you have identified the software that came pre-installed, you need to easily be able to play your DVDs.

How to play DVDs in Windows 10 with free software

If you're using an external DVD drive or aren't able to find any already installed software for DVD playback on your pc with an internal DVD player, you're never out of luck.

While Microsoft does have a paid option for playing DVDs in Windows 10, you can get by having a great free option. VLC Media Player is the best free video player for countless reasons, also it so transpires with support DVD playback. You may even try any software that came bundled by having an external DVD drive, as they often come with some.

Step one: Launch VLC
Second step: Insert your DVD

Playback may begin automatically. Whether it does, you're all set. If it doesn't, carry out the following steps:

Step three: Select Media > Open Disc, or press Ctrl + D with VLC because the active window.
Fourth step: In the new pop-up menu, under "Disc Selection," choose DVD and press Play at the bottom.

If VLC hasn't identified your DVD, you may have to explain in which the disc drive is. It can be done using by pressing browse in the "Disc Selection" portion of the pop-up menu and selecting your computers DVD drive from the drive options on the left of the File Explorer window.

How to play DVDs in Windows 10 using Microsoft's paid software

As good as VLC is, we can understand if you are cautious about using a third-party software, so we'll provide instructions on Microsoft's software.

Step one: Try Windows Media Player.

Launch Windows Media Player with your DVD inserted. In the navigation menu on the left side of Windows Media Player, you may see your DVD appear. Select it, and then try to play it. In case your computer came with a pre-installed DVD decoder, the DVD may play. If this fails, try out next thing.

Second step: Try the Windows DVD Player app.

You can get the Windows DVD Player app or by looking it up within the Windows Store. This is a $14.99 app, however, you can use it inside a trial mode to help you confirm it will use your DVD drive.

To download the Trial version, select the three dots next to the Buy button, and choose Free trial offer. Once it's installed, run it and insert a DVD. If the app determines it is suitable for your device, you are able to choose the Buy Now option to get the complete app and employ it to play DVDs.

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تاریخ انتشار : جمعه 21 تير 1398 | نظرات ()
نوشته شده توسط : jiajiasnow

On Windows 10, Credential Manager may be the feature that stores your sign-in information for websites (using Microsoft Edge), apps, and networks (such as, mapped drivers or shared folders) when you check the option to save your valuable credentials for future logins.

Credential Manager isn't new, it's been around for some time, and it's not just permits you save your passwords, but it also allows you to view, delete, add, backup and restore logon credentials.

In this guide, you'll learn the steps to make use of the Credential Manager on Windows 10 to manages all your logon information.

How to edit existing sign-in information using Credential Manager

Begin using these steps to update your password or username already stored on Windows 10:

Open User interface.

Click on User Accounts.

Click on Credential Manager.

Click the Windows Credentials tab (or Web Credentials).

Choose the account.

Click on the Edit button.

Update the password as necessary.

Click on the Save button.

When you complete the steps, the information is going to be updated using the new credentials, meaning no more login prompts should you originally saved the wrong username or password or the sign-in information has changed.

How to delete sign-in information using Credential Manager

Begin using these steps to delete a merchant account credential already stored on Windows 10:

Open Control Panel.

Click on User Accounts.

Click on Credential Manager.

Click the Windows Credentials tab (or Web Credentials).

Select the account.

Click the Remove button.

Click the Yes button.

Once you complete the steps, the account credentials will no longer be available on the device, implies that future logins will require you to definitely enter a username and password.

How you can add new sign-in information using Credential Manager

Begin using these steps to include an app or network credential on Windows 10:

Open Control Panel.

Click on User Accounts.

Click on Credential Manager.

Click the Windows Credentials tab.

Click the Give a Windows credential (or Add a certificate-based credential) option.

Specify the internet or network address that matches the app or network resource.

Specify the password to authenticate.

Click the OK button.

When you complete the steps, the new account information is going to be put into your device to sign-in automatically the next time you access the apps or network shared.

How you can backup sign-in information using Credential Manager

Begin using these steps to export and backup all your credentials for apps and networks:

Open User interface.

Click on User Accounts.

Click on Credential Manager.

Click the Windows Credentials tab.

Click the rear up Credentials option.

Click on the Browse button to specify a destination for the backup.

Specify a name for the .crd backup file.

Click the Save button.

Click the following button.

Use the Ctrl + Alt + Delete keyboard shortcut to carry on.

Specify a password to safeguard the Credential Manager file.

Click the Next button.

Click the conclusion button.

After you complete the steps, you'll get a .crd file containing all your Windows 10 and web credentials that you can import to a different computer in order to the same device after a clean installation.

How to restore sign-in information using Credential Manager

Use these steps to restore your sign-in information from backup on Windows 10:

Open User interface.

Click on User Accounts.

Click on Credential Manager.

Click the Windows Credentials tab.

Click the Restore Credentials option.

Click the Browse button.

Choose the .crd files with the backup information.

Click on the Open button.

Click the Next button.

Make use of the Ctrl + Alt + Delete keyboard shortcut to carry on.

Type the password to unlock the Credential Manager backup.

Click on the Next button.

Click on the Finish button.

When you complete the step, all of your web, app, and network credentials is going to be restored in your device.

Although this guide concentrates on Windows 10, Credential Manager continues to be readily available for a long time, meaning the steps will also work on Windows 8.1 and Windows 7.

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تاریخ انتشار : چهار شنبه 19 تير 1398 | نظرات ()
نوشته شده توسط : jiajiasnow

If you're a Microsoft Edge user, you might find that Windows 10 Insider Build 17713 offers a welcome addition: the opportunity to manage autoplaying video on the site-by-site basis.

The brand new Windows build isn't heavy on new features for consumers, though business users may find some interesting additions: Web Sign-in, Fast Sign-in, as well as using biometric logins to log right into a remote PC. Microsoft did make some enhancements to how Edge uses PDF files, as well as Notepad.

Here is a look at what's new:

Autoplay, PDF controls within Edge

While Google's Chrome along with other browsers have begun offering users the flexibleness to determine how to handle autoplaying video online, Microsoft's Edge hasn't followed suit, until now. As part of Edge's new per-site controls, you will have the freedom to determine whether video autoplays. To access the controls, click on the small lock-shaped icon in the browser.

Edge has added dictionary functions, so that you can highlight a word and get a definition. If you open a PDF file within Edge, you'll also be able to see floating text descriptions for the icons. You are able to hide the PDF toolbar, too.

Microsoft adds WDAG configuration options

Most users probably have never used Microsoft's Windows Device Application Guard (WDAG), its secure browser for plumbing the dark corners from the web. (Here's how.) Only one of its flaws, in addition to performance, has been the opportunity to configure what it really does. The brand new build pushes more options in front of you, as part of the Settings menu.

Notepad beefs track of zooming, wrapped find

Microsoft surprised many using its improvements for Notepad that rolled out in Insider Build 17666, and now there's even more. Build 17713 adds support for users to search for text strings across wrapped text, and there is something slightly better: the ability to zoom text, too. No more can we have to deal with tiny text! Just use CTRL+ Plus (Ctrl and also the plus sign), or Ctrl + Minus (Ctrl and also the minus sign)-the same controls to zoom webpages in and out-to control the size of the font.

Enterprise logins get easier: Fast Sign-In and much more

These functions aren't available to consumer PCs (yet?) however they are worth knowing about: If you are using Remote Desktop, you have a choice of using Windows Hello to log in on the remote computer as part of the Remote Desktop session. Microsoft has also instituted the ability for corporate to sign in with Web credentials, (using something called SAML) as well as what Microsoft calls "Fast Sign-In," which dramatically decreases the time users have to register on the shared PC. All three of these require specific policies to become enabled on the PC, though.

Be careful! Here are things to watch out for

Build 17713 seems a little more unstable than others, though. Currently there is a bug that blocks the opportunity to recover or reset your computer, so you may wish to delay updates until it's fixed. Another odd bug is that, with PCs which have multiple monitors, the display may be off a little. If you see that, try good ol' Ctrl-Alt-Del to bring up the Task Manager, then hit the Cancel button.

:: بازدید از این مطلب : 319
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تاریخ انتشار : سه شنبه 18 تير 1398 | نظرات ()
نوشته شده توسط : jiajiasnow

Microsoft has introduced a brand new feature in Microsoft Edge browser that enables the blocking of auto-playing media controls.

The software giant announced such capabilities in the browser a few weeks ago, promising the new Chromium-based browser would be able to provide additional controls to users to be able to block media that starts playing automatically when loading websites.

The organization has thus released this selection because of its experimental Canary build underneath the form of a flag that needs to be enabled manually from the flag configuration screen.

The flag is known as "Limit Media Autoplay" and it is available starting with Edge Canary build

"Algorithmically limits certain websites from playing media automatically. Most popular websites will remain unaffected," the flag reveals.

Per-site media controls

As Microsoft itself explains, the media auto-playing feature would still operate on popular websites, so users might want to install third-party extensions to block it here as well.

However, Microsoft is also working on per-site controls that would technically make it easy for everyone to configure whether or not to block media that plays automatically on-page load for every website or not. No ETA has been provided, but we ought to expect such capabilities within the coming weeks.

The media autoplay blocker is going to be available on both Windows and Mac, because the flag notes.

Microsoft Edge, that is now according to Chromium, is available in in preview on both Windows and Mac. So far as Windows is worried, the browser could be installed on older Windows and on Windows 10.

Microsoft is believed to be planning a Linux version of the browser as well, albeit for the moment, this type of project is not yet been confirmed. However, given Edge is dependant on Chromium, there's no technical limitation for the app to launch on Linux too.

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تاریخ انتشار : دو شنبه 17 تير 1398 | نظرات ()
نوشته شده توسط : jiajiasnow

Microsoft will quickly migrate to the Chromium engine for that Microsoft Edge browser, and as area of the transition, the software giant became one of the biggest contributors to the growth and development of fraxel treatments.

As a result, the company proposes improvements that may become implemented not only in Microsoft Edge, but also in other Chromium-based browser, for example Google Chrome itself.

Probably the most recent features that the clients are focusing on is much better support for the dark mode.

The Chromium-based Microsoft Edge already comes with a dark theme, but you will find parts of the browser UI which are yet to embrace this visual style. And something of these is tooltips.

Microsoft believes that it can resolve the problem of tooltips while using standard theme by implementing a technology already available on Windows 10 and which the majority of UWP apps rely on. Called Aura, this mode assists you to switch the tooltips to a dark mode as well in the browser.

The organization has already started testing the black tooltips in Microsoft Edge, and users themselves can provide them a try having a dedicated flag within the Canary build.

First of all, you have to update to the latest Canary version of Microsoft Edge browser. This tutorial is based on Microsoft Edge Canary version

Launch the browser and in the address bar type the following command to launch the advanced flags configuration screen:


While using search engine at the very top, search for this flag within the same screen:

Enable aura tooltips on Windows

The one-step manner in which doesn't involve you trying to find the flag is dependant on simply copying and pasting the code below in the address bar of Microsoft Edge Canary:


The default setting of this flag is disabled, so you need to use the drop-down menu next to it to be able to switch it to Enabled. Doing this will need a browser reboot in order to save your settings.

The next time you launch your browser, the tooltips that demonstrate up when navigating the web should are now using a dark mode, much like UWP apps do across Windows 10 when the dark visual style is enabled.

Microsoft explains the difficulties of implementing a dark mode for tooltips in Windows within this commit:

"The native Windows tooltip doesn't support dark theme and it has some accessibility issues with the written text scaling settings. Using the aura tooltips we are able to solve these two problems together.

This transformation completely enables Windows to make use of TooltipAura, behind a Feature flag. One of them change is definitely an increase towards the maximum width of tooltips from 400px to 800px to be able to better match the native tooltip and avoid some of the early truncation issues described by https://bugs.chromium.org/p/chromium/issues/detail?id=292738 (which ChromeOS currently is affected with)."

Google Chrome will also include aura tooltips enabled automatically in the Windows version of the browser. Google has made this alternation in Chrome Canary, and it is expected to activate this option within the stable build of Google Chrome within the upcoming updates.

Meanwhile, Microsoft keeps refining the experience in Edge, so we only hope that similar improvements could be released on macOS as well. By migrating to Chromium, Microsoft can release Microsoft Advantage on non-Windows platforms as well, including here macOS. The present preview builds of the browser, namely the Canary and Dev versions, can be downloaded on both Windows and macOS, having a Linux version not yet confirmed by expected to land at some point in the near future.

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تاریخ انتشار : جمعه 14 تير 1398 | نظرات ()
نوشته شده توسط : jiajiasnow

Microsoft has updated the lineup of phones available in the Microsoft Store, because the company stopped selling several older models that are less likely to become purchased by its customers.

These devices do not include Windows phones, which Microsoft has stopped selling, but Android models manufactured by its partners, like Samsung and Razer.

As reported by Neowin, Microsoft has become selling just the latest-generation Samsung and Razer phones, so you can buy the Galaxy S10, the Galaxy A6, the Razer Phone 2, the ASUS ROG Phone, and the Samsung Galaxy Note9.

Models like Samsung Galaxy S8, Note8, and the first-generation Razer Phone are thus no more offered by the Microsoft Store.

Microsoft is very likely to add a new phone to the list sometime next month after Samsung launches the brand-new Galaxy Note 10. The Redmond-based software giant became one from the largest retailers of Samsung models, and it typically adds new devices the South Koreans launch in a few weeks after release.

Samsung Galaxy Note 10 is projected to become unveiled on August 7, while sales will start later the same month.

The Android push

As everyone knows already, Microsoft is not making its very own phones, as the company abandoned its mobile platform and is now focusing on apps and services for Android and iOS.

The Android devices which are kept in the Microsoft Store can thus be customized with apps produced by the software giant itself, including Microsoft Launcher, Cortana, and Microsoft Edge. Microsoft even recommends installing some of these apps on Android for any personalized experience that provides easy access to its services.

As a reminder, Windows 10 Mobile is anticpated to be retired in December, after which the organization will no longer release any security updates for that devices still being used.

:: بازدید از این مطلب : 451
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تاریخ انتشار : چهار شنبه 12 تير 1398 | نظرات ()
نوشته شده توسط : jiajiasnow

Microsoft has made available the download links because of its May 2019 cumulative firmware and drivers pack developed for a number of its Surface devices, which manages to improve system stability, security, and gratifaction, in addition to camera performance.

Specifically speaking, the producer has rolled out updates for its Surface 3, Pro 3, Pro 4, Pro 5th Gen, and Pro 6 tablets, Surface Studio and Studio 2 systems, as well as for the top Book, Book 2, Laptop, and Laptop 2 devices.

In terms of changes, the current packages install new versions of Camera, network, Bluetooth, and graphics drivers, as well as other updates as highlighted within the Release Notes below. However, know that not all changes are suited for every tablet (be sure to look into the description page of your model).

When it comes to installation, save the downloadable file on your Surface unit, install all drivers included, and follow all instructions displayed on the screen for an entire and successful installation.

Still, don't forget that this package is only compatible with Microsoft's Windows 10 platform. Also, after using the present release, it would be smart to reboot your tablet manually (otherwise requested automatically), to ensure all changes work properly.

However, when you purchase the Windows Update Service, you'll need to wait in line for your Surface unit to get this updated package. Through this service, all updates are supplied to customers in stages; thus, you might not receive it at this time.

With this thought, download the May 2019 firmware from the links below, do the installation, and check our website as often as you possibly can, as we'll keep you posted when a newer update is available.

:: بازدید از این مطلب : 330
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تعداد امتیازدهندگان : 0
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تاریخ انتشار : دو شنبه 10 تير 1398 | نظرات ()
نوشته شده توسط : jiajiasnow

For many, two of the best products Microsoft ever produced are Windows Mobile and Windows 7-and support for are ending in about a year's time.

Earlier this week, Microsoft reminded customers that official support for Windows 7 ends on January 14, 2020, even posting an official reminder page to encourage people to be quick and adopt Windows 10.

Now is even the time for Windows phones to finally accept their fate: Windows 10 Mobile, version 1709, will forfeit support on December 10, 2019. At that time, Windows 10 Mobile users won't meet the requirements to receive new security updates, non-security hotfixes, free assisted support options, or online technical content updates from Microsoft free of charge, Microsoft says. In other words, no new patches. Backups, at least, will persist until March 10, 2020. It's a whole lot worse if you possess a Microsoft Lumia or Lumia XL: June 11, 2019 would be the last date those products are supported.

Because Microsoft has discontinued support for the Lumia family, this news is bleak for individuals who own and employ a Lumia phone: "With the Windows 10 Mobile OS end of support, we recommend that customers proceed to a supported Android or iOS device," Microsoft says. "Microsoft's mission statement to empower every person and every organization on earth to achieve more, compels us to support our Mobile apps on those platforms and devices."

The good news, if there is any, is that Windows Mobile market share was always tiny to begin with, and today is basically infinitesimal: 0.10 %, based on NetMarketShare. (Two remaining few users are my wife and eldest son-can't play Fortnite if your phone doesn't support it, right?)

The more serious problem is the transition from Windows 7. Microsoft's beloved Windows 7 is easily the most popular desktop PC operating-system in the world, with more than 40 percent share of the market, again by NetMarketShare. Microsoft is encouraging businesses to make the transition prior to the deadline, and also to ensure users also migrate from legacy apps like Internet Explorer-which will die with Windows 7, too.

The upgrade path from Windows 7 is, naturally, to Windows 10-which isn't free. Microsoft's encouraging businesses to migrate to Microsoft 365-its package of Office 365 and Microsoft Windows support-which has a free upgrade from Windows 7, 8, or 8.1 Pro, however for $20 per user, monthly. Consumers have no such option-you'll pay $139 to download Windows 10 Home , or perhaps a bit less should you choose a system-builder option. In either case, the free upgrade window closed long ago.

What this signifies for you: If you possess a Windows Cell phone, you're going to have to migrate your phone's data onto an iOS or Android device, if you haven't already. As for Windows 7 owners, the problem is financial: Copying your data for an hard drive, than upgrading to Windows 10, requires a good investment over time and money. Unfortunately, using Windows 7 after support expires is playing with fire.

:: بازدید از این مطلب : 346
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تاریخ انتشار : چهار شنبه 5 تير 1398 | نظرات ()
نوشته شده توسط : jiajiasnow

We've noted for a while that Microsoft was considering building its very own foldable Surface model, and if the data provided by an analyst is anything to be believed, the debut of this device should happen in under 12 months.

Jeff Lin, Associate Director, Consumer Electronics at IHS Markit, told Forbes that Microsoft is indeed focusing on a foldable Microsoft Surface, and it is expected by now next year.

Lin claims Microsoft is targeting the first half of 2020 for the launch of the device, but when it's ready earlier, it could go reside in the very first quarter of the season.

The brand new Surface device will use two different 9-inch screens connected to each other and boasting a 4:3 aspect ratio. It'll run WCOS (Windows Core OS), and can feature several optimizations for any dual-display interface. The OS itself, in addition to apps, need several updates to run correctly on a dual-screen tool and to support this aspect ratio.

Support for Android apps

The analyst says there's a good chance Microsoft's new Surface model will use Intel's 10nm system-on-a-chip called Lakefield and will feature always-on connectivity like LTE or even 5G.

The greater interesting bit is the fact that Microsoft apparently wants its foldable Surface to boast support for Android apps, a thing that users have been requesting on Windows phones as well. There's a chance that Android apps could be supported to be able to cope with the possibility insufficient apps optimized for any dual-screen Windows device.

Lin says the device will also run the "iCloud service" in Windows 10, but at this time it's not clear if Apple's software could come pre-installed or not.

Given the foldable Surface is still a work in progress, some details should be taken having a healthy dose of skepticism, especially as Microsoft can invariably change its mind overnight by the time it gives the project its go-ahead.

:: بازدید از این مطلب : 351
امتیاز مطلب : 0
تعداد امتیازدهندگان : 0
مجموع امتیاز : 0
تاریخ انتشار : دو شنبه 3 تير 1398 | نظرات ()